Faced with the great challenges facing the agri-food sector, ALAS (Alliance for Sustainable Agriculture), a group of entities from the production sector in support of all models of sustainable productive agriculture based on scientific evidence, has drawn up a manifesto to promote agriscience. The manifesto has the support of Interovic, Interporc and Provacuno.
Among the most important points of the manifesto stands out:
-Without a highly competitive agri-food sector, food security, economic and employment growth, a fair ecological transition and the possibilities of reversing the depopulation of rural areas are put at risk.
-A strong and decisive commitment based on science, innovation, continuous modernization and competition on equal terms will make it possible to take advantage of all the capacity of the agri-food sector to contribute to recovery, climate action, digitalization and stop the phenomenon of the emptied Spain.
In this manifesto, seven specific proposals are launched, addressed to Public Administrations, economic and social agents and society in general, such as enhancing the role of the agricultural sector as a carbon sink; consider agriculture and livestock in Spain as a European laboratory for climate change; make the 50% reduction target for the use of phytosanitary products more flexible or establish, by the European authorities, a regulatory framework based on scientific criteria that allows farmers to compete on equal terms and value recent advances in techniques gene editing.