Interovic launches the Previnovic Operational Group to fight fires

INTEROVIC has launched the PREVINOVIC operational group, an ambitious project whose objective is to expand the scope of the results obtained in fire prevention through the application of extensive livestock farming in the Spanish sheep and goat sector.

PREVINOVIC’s communication plan seeks to raise awareness in the sheep and goat sector and society in general about the importance of the presence of small ruminants in the control of plant growth and its impact on fire prevention. To achieve this, INTEROVIC has the collaboration of various associations and organizations in the sector, universities and the media.





INTEROVIC will disseminate messages and news through its own channels, including newsletters and social networks, as well as through a website dedicated exclusively to the PREVINOVIC operational group, which will include the progress and news of the project. In addition, external communication activities will be carried out together with the members of the group, aimed at both participating farms and companies and at the general public and the media.

A key project for fire prevention in a context of climate change

The PREVINOVIC initiative arises in a context of climate change, with rising temperatures and scarce rainfall accentuating periods of drought. Mediterranean ecosystems are particularly vulnerable to these conditions, increasing the risk of forest fires even outside of normal periods.

It has been shown that extensive livestock farming contributes significantly to the prevention of fires, reducing their magnitude and contributing to the resilience of the forest to fire. In line with the strategies promoted by public administrations, the PREVINOVIC project seeks to promote the sustainable management of rural territory, the maintenance of extensive livestock farming and the valorisation of agricultural products.

Project objectives

The project, which will last three and a half years, is based on three fundamental pillars:

  1. Analysis of success and failure cases in the use of extensive livestock farming in fire prevention, evaluating ecosystem services and the behavior of grazed areas.
  2. Study of the perspective and needs of livestock farmers, identifying their motivations and barriers to participate in fire prevention programs and promoting better interaction with forest managers.
  3. Evaluation of the use of new technologies for extensive livestock management, through geolocation systems and individual control of animals based on satellite technologies.

Recognition of the sheep and goat livestock sector

One of the global objectives of PREVINOVIC is to make visible the benefits of grazing small ruminants and recognize the professionals in the sector who work in these programs, highlighting the difficulties and costs associated with their correct implementation. The participation of all the actors involved will favor the creation of innovative grazing schemes for the prevention and control of fires.

With this initiative, INTEROVIC reaffirms its commitment to sustainability and environmental protection, supporting extensive livestock farming as a key tool in fire prevention and in the sustainable management of Spanish forest ecosystems.


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