98% of Spaniards eat meat with varying frequency, according to the most significant data from the “Opinion study on the importance of the meat sector in Spain” prepared by Sigma Dos for the Foro Ganadero-Cárnico and which was presented today in Madrid by Rosa Díaz, general manager of Sigma Dos, and José Luis Rojo, project manager, and Gregorio Rodríguez, director of the Foro Ganadero-Cárnico.
According to the analysis carried out by the leading company in market studies and demoscopy, more than half of the population (52.5%) eats some type of meat between two and three times a week, and 28.5% do so more frequently. 12.6% eat meat at least once a week and 4.4% eat it occasionally. Only 1.5% of Spaniards never eat meat. Furthermore, the average consumption is very similar between men (52.9%) and women (52.1%).
The study shows that stability in the frequency of meat consumption is the dominant pattern at all ages, except among those over 65 years of age. The majority of the population (53.7%) has maintained its consumption in recent years, and 6% have even increased it. Among those who say they have reduced it, almost 10% say they are eating better quality meat.
For those who say they have reduced their consumption, the most frequent reasons that have led them to do so are, in this order, the perception that they were consuming too much meat (26.3%) and the price (24%). Behind these are more ideological factors, beliefs or inaccurate information on aspects such as animal handling or the false belief that animals are treated with medicines and hormones.
83% believe that it is important to promote the livestock-meat sector to reduce our dependence on other international markets and 82% believe that it is a sector that must be looked after by the administrations because it is vital for the economy and contributes to its strengthening
78.3% of the Spanish population states that, when buying meat, they give a lot or quite a lot of importance to its national or local origin and that they value a lot or quite a lot of importance to its national or local origin and that they value a lot or quite a lot information on the traceability, origin and production conditions of the meat.
Social and economic perception of the sector
86.6% of the Spanish population considers that the livestock-meat sector is fundamental for other sectors such as commerce, catering, hotels and tourism, according to the Sigma Dos study, which reveals little-known data on the perception that Spaniards have about the social and economic role of the sector.
Thus, 84.9% of the population thinks that this sector stimulates the rural economy and guarantees its future, and 83.1% indicate that it favours the stability of the population in such a way that it helps to avoid the depopulation of rural areas.
68.6% of the total population distrusts the information that comes through social networks, and perhaps for this reason, 72.8% of those who obtain information through them say that they compare it with other means.
On the other hand, 83% believe that it is important to promote the livestock-meat sector to reduce our dependence on other international markets and 82% believe that it is a sector that must be looked after by the administrations because it is vital for the economy and contributes to its strengthening. In addition, 82.1% consider that the livestock-meat sector is an important source of direct and indirect job creation, and more than 80% of the population highlights the importance of the livestock-meat sector in rural areas.
It is important to note that there is a generational gap that is evident in that all economic, social, modern values and perceptions about sustainability and animal welfare are less recognized among those under 30 years of age. However, this age group shows very favorable opinions about the importance of this sector for the economy and employment in general and in particular in rural areas.
The sector is the subject of false information and hoaxes
72.8% of Spaniards believe that in recent years there has been false information or hoaxes to discredit the sector and meat consumption. Hoaxes about the sector have an ideological background for 85% of those who recognize their existence.
68.6% of the total population distrusts the information that comes through social networks, and perhaps for this reason, 72.8% of those who obtain information through them say that they compare it with other media.
In any case, it is important to take into account the impact of “information” through the networks, especially among the youngest, for whom they are, together with television, their main source of information.
Spanish society demands greater attention from public administrations
The support of public administrations to protect the livestock-meat sector from the controversies and false information about its environmental impact or the negative aspects of meat consumption is demanded by the Spanish, since 66.1% of the population believes that it is not doing so, according to the Sigma Dos study.
Likewise, the population considers meat an essential and indispensable food and, to facilitate its consumption, 88.2% demand the reduction of VAT on meat as a basic food, as has been done with respect to other foods. In addition, 91.3% expect that public administrations will adopt measures to promote its innovation and competitiveness.
And finally, public administrations are expected to better communicate the importance of the sector, as well as the improvements and advances that it is developing, since 66.9% of those surveyed believe that this communication is not adequate.
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