Meat production in Spain falls by 4.2% during the first quarter of the year, according to the MAPA

Meat production in Spain fell by 4.2% during the first quarter of the year. The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food has published data on production in Spain during the first quarter of the year, which has been reduced by 4.2% over 2022 and stands at 1.96 million tons, very high levels. similar to those of 2021.




As Eurocarne magazine has published, the decrease in production as a whole is due to the drop registered in the case of slaughter and pork production, which has fallen by 6.8% to 1,329,689. tons, returning to 2020 levels.

The production of beef has been reduced by 6.6% and has remained at 163,091 tons. In sheep, production contracted by 4.4%, amounting to 26,128 tons, and in goats the reduction has been the highest of all, falling by 19.5% over 2022.


Catalonia, main producer

Of the 1.67 million t of meat produced in Spain during the first quarter, 586,050 t (35% of the total for Spain) came from slaughterhouses located in Catalonia, the main autonomous community by production despite having reduced the amount by a 6.4% The drop in pork in this region is notable, which has remained at 516,637 t, 7.3% less than in 2022 and 88% of Catalan meat production.

It is followed in relevance by Aragon where pigs cover an even higher percentage, 95% (257,987 t) of the total (271,377 t, 22.2% less than in 2022) and the drop in the case of Castilla y León is also noteworthy which remained at 241,761 t (-5.5%).


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