People who follow the Mediterranean diet are more likely to stay mentally well in old age

People who follow the Mediterranean diet are more likely to stay mentally well in old age, as evidenced by a study carried out by researchers at the University in Edinburgh (Scotland). To reach this conclusion, published in the journal ‘Experimental Gerentology’, the experts tested the thinking skills of more than 500 people aged 79 years and without dementia, who were asked to complete tests of problem solving, speed of thought, memory and word knowledge, as well as a questionnaire about your eating habits during the previous year.

More than 350 people in the group also underwent a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) brain scan to obtain information about the structure of their brain. The team used statistical modeling to look for associations between a person’s diet, their thinking skills, and brain health in adulthood.

In this way, the experts found that the people who most closely adhered to a Mediterranean diet had the highest cognitive function scores, even when child IQ, smoking, physical activity and health factors are taken into account . The differences were small but statistically significant.

You have to eat everything to be strong and healthy (Fuente Insalus)

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