Piensos Costa, belonging to the meat holding Costa Food Group of Grupo Empresarial Costa, has recently obtained the certification of Antibiotic Free Production (PLA) from AENOR in several of its farms and feed factories. This accreditation establishes that all the sanitary guarantees are fulfilled in the production process so that the animals develop free of antibiotics in all their growth phases from weaning: “It indicates that we do not supply antibiotics to the animals either orally or by injection and that we carry out exhaustive analyzes both on the meat and on the feed and in the water to verify that there is no trace that affects human consumption ”, they detail from the Quality team of Piensos Costa.
This certification is in addition to those already achieved previously, such as the Welfair ™ in Animal Welfare certified by AENOR or the Interporc Animal Welfare Spain (IAWS) for animal welfare and biosecurity.
“All these certifications support our firm commitment to sustainability and caring for people. We were the first white pig meat producer in Spain to obtain the AENOR Animal Welfare accreditation. Now, with the Antibiotic Free Production (PLA), we reinforce our commitment to good livestock practices and to offer the consumer a quality product, natural from the origin, in which our farmers and our technical team play a fundamental role, whose work is key in obtaining the certificate ”, explains Jorge Costa, CEO of Grupo Empresarial Costa.
In addition, two other important certifications for the Group have also been renewed: the IFS (International Featured Standards) international quality seal and the BCR Global Standard for Food Safety. Both represent a global food guarantee and provide companies with international endorsement in terms of quality, safety and food responsibility.
The new PLA accreditation also ensures the traceability of the raw material during the process and that no cross contamination occurs in any of the phases. With it, Costa Food Group increases its portfolio of certifications, which consolidates it as a benchmark in the sector in quality and food safety, responsible, efficient and environmentally sustainable work, animal care and respect for people.