Pig sector: reduction of CO2 emissions and use of renewable energies

The reduction of emissions and the use of renewable energies are two of the pillars of the commitment to the sustainability of the white layer pig sector. This was highlighted by the White Coat Pig Interprofessional (INTERPORC) during the celebration of the World Day for the Reduction of CO2 Emissions, which took place on Sunday, January 29.



The sector is aligned with the values and objectives of the European Green Pact and has set itself the goal of achieving neutral climate impact by 2050. For this reason, Alberto Herranz, director of the Interprofessional, recalled that “the entire pork chain is totally committed with sustainable production and the constant reduction of emissions, and the official data from MITECO (Ministry of Ecological Transition) endorse us”.

In this sense, he explained that “CO2 accounts for three quarters of greenhouse gases and, according to the GHG Emissions Inventory of the Ministry of Ecological Transition, the pig sector only generates 2.64% of those produced in Spain, very far from sectors with double digits such as Transport (27%), Industry (19%) or Electricity (17%)”.

The reduction of GHGs in the pig sector is a constant. For example, according to the latest available data, in 2021 they decreased by 4.11% per kilo of
meat produced. And in the last 15 years, just in manure management, they have dropped more than 40%.


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