The Xunta de Galicia has adopted a whole battery of measures to provide liquidity to Galician farms. These measures focus both on ways to finance working capital and advances on the aid received by farmers.
From the Xunta they have demanded from Luis Planas, Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food that the Bank of Spain or the European banking authorities authorize financial entities to grant a one-year moratorium on the payment of repayments of loans to long term that ranchers have alive.
The Xunta is also evaluating other additional measures that will be put into practice in the coming days, measures that will affect the need for the central government to adopt measures immediately, given the exorbitant rise in prices and the transport conflict.
Along these lines, the regional government has once again asked the central government to extend the current tax reductions until the end of the year; to extend them with the reduction of VAT to the super-reduced rate for electricity and gas; and to ask the European Union for an exceptional reduction in the tax on hydrocarbons and the VAT levied on gasoline and diesel; and exemptions from Social Security for workers in certain economic sectors especially affected by the crisis.