Spanish sheep, goat and beef meat, to the conquest of Japan

Until June 25, Japan has hosted numerous international meetings for the sector, a strategic initiative that represents a great boost to put buyers and importers of the sheep, goat and beef market in contact under the protection of the umbrella brand Beef & Lamb from Spain , promoted by INTEROVIC in conjunction with the interprofessional PROVACUNO. The commercial meetings began at the Hotel St. Regis in Osaka and continued at the facilities of the Instituto Cervantes, in Tokyo. Several Spanish companies in the sector traveled to these two cities with the aim of establishing commercial relations with more than fifty Japanese buyers.

The Japan Food Expo (JFEX) food fair in Tokyo has welcomed both interprofessionals as exhibitors. Showcookings and tastings have been carried out where the Spanish lamb has surprised all the attendees for its delicate flavor and tenderness. “The truth is that Spain-branded lamb arrives at the best time thanks to the fact that the Japanese are betting more and more on soft and tasty meats like ours.” concludes Tomás Rodríguez, director of INTEROVIC.

This meeting becomes a new opportunity for the sector to transmit the value of Spanish meat products under the international label Beef & Lamb from Spain, which represents the richness and food quality of our country.

This promotional activity in Japan has been co-financed by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, which actively collaborates in the promotion of Spanish agri-food products in foreign markets.

Great commitment to the international market

Spain is the main producer of lamb meat and the second in goat meat thanks to the more than 114,000 sheep farms and 75,000 goat farms that we have. At an international level, the export of suckling pig, lamb and kid meat is one of the most important means of economic growth in the sector, diversifying its markets and allowing its expansion through European countries and third countries.

During this year, INTEROVIC continues its commitment to these international markets, starting with Japan and with projects focused on expanding its relations with China, Singapore and Thailand.

From the sheep and goat interprofessional, great efforts are being made to connect commercially with the Asian continent, since it is one of the world’s economic engines and lamb and kid meat from Spain is a food with great growth potential in the same.

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