Special Anafric a Meat Attraction: FRIBIN participates in the fair as the most important company in Huesca

FRIBIN is a meat company founded in 1967, family-owned and a leader in the production of top-quality meat. FRIBIN has four consolidated divisions: beef, pork, processed products and halal products, based on commitment to suppliers, animal welfare, environmental sustainability and quality and excellence in our daily activity.

From March 6 to 8, the company will be present at Meat Attraction, an event that for FRIBIN means an opportunity to build new business relationships thanks to international meetings.





Fribin has the ISO 9001 and 14001 certifications, and also:


CERTICAR is the first Spanish company certifying Agrifood Products accredited by ENAC. It controls and supervises the beef distributed under the “FRIBIN Selección” brand. With their “FRIBIN Selección” certified meat, they have contributed to reinforcing the food safety guarantees of beef, so that, behind this unique quality seal, there is control by an independent body over the entire process, from the farm to the table of the end customer The consumer thus has the assurance that he is taking reliable meat of the best quality home.


It is a brand of the Government of Aragon that identifies more than 40 products that are distinguished by their gastronomic and nutritional qualities.


For a food, product or service to be considered Halal, it must conform to the Islamic regulations contained in the Koran, in the traditions of the Prophet Muhammad (SWS), and in the teachings of Islamic jurists. It implies that these are suitable to be consumed with total safety.


DataCentric Results

FRIBIN, without being the company with the largest number of employees in Huesca, is the most important according to DataCentric criteria, in which the combination and weighting of numerous data has been taken into account: surveys of local professionals, digital and advertising presence , social impact in the territory through the Corporate Social Responsibility of the company, size of employees and national turnover of each business group.

The data is updated to 2023. The result in the province of Huesca gives FRIBIN the first place in the classification.


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