The European Commission has officially launched a new online platform of information and resources for the rural world. Under the title “Rural Toolkit”, the website is accessible in all official EU languages and includes information on European rural development policies and programs, success stories in this area with financial support from the EU (including one in Catalonia of 2016), as well as a search engine for financing tools for initiatives in the rural world.

It aims to help local authorities, institutions and stakeholders, businesses and individuals to identify and take advantage of existing EU funds, programs and other financing and support initiatives, and promote development in rural territories.
Rural Toolkit” provides a single entry point to all existing initiatives, with comprehensive information on available resources, and explains why they are relevant to rural areas. Users can find a range of resources including manuals and guidance on investment opportunities. EU funding.
You can now start looking for your financing at this link!
You have an explanatory video on the Europa website (only in English)