The Extensive Livestock Dialogue Forum meets

The Secretary General of Agrarian Resources and Food Security, Fernando Miranda, has inaugurated in Toledo, with broad participation from all livestock sectors, the Dialogue Forum on Extensive Livestock Farming in Spain, which closes tomorrow, after reading the conclusions, the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Luis Planas.


Foro de Diálogo


Miranda has highlighted the Government’s commitment to extensive livestock farming, since it is “one of the most fragile sectors of our economy and deserves special attention.” Furthermore, he has pointed out that with the organization of this forum, included in the 43 measures to support the sector, in addition to the commitment of the legislature, the ministry wants to address the concerns of a sector, such as extensive livestock farming, and contribute to responding. to your concerns.

This forum aims to analyze the challenges faced by the sector and propose solutions. In this forum, different working groups will be organized to go into detail and learn about concerns related to issues such as animal health, bureaucracy or the situation of the markets.

During these two days, the future opportunities offered by extensive livestock farming will also be analyzed, especially to attract young people to a sector that, through the incorporation of new technologies and the application of innovative techniques, offer employment opportunities in the rural environment.

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