The Livestock-Meat Forum develops with the College of Veterinarians of Cádiz the educational sessions “Eat meat, eat healthy, for your health and that of the planet”

The Livestock-Meat Forum (Meat and Health Platform) is collaborating with the College of Veterinarians of Cádiz in the development of the educational sessions “Eat meat, eat healthy, for your health and that of the planet”, which have been launched with the objective of presenting to the youngest the benefits of eating meat within a healthy diet and in a way that is respectful of the environment and animals, offering students information and data about the effects of restrictive diets and the impact on the planet if livestock farming is to be eliminated.



This campaign for schoolchildren, which will take place throughout the year in the different regions of Cadiz, has held two new days on May 30 and 31 in Jerez de la Frontera and Vejer de la Frontera, with more than 400 students in both calls, to promote healthy habits, a complete and balanced diet and an active and participatory lifestyle, and has the collaboration of the Government Delegation of the Junta de Andalucía in Cádiz and the Provincial Council of Cádiz and other entities and companies , and the participation of experts such as the veterinarian and author of the book “Reasons to be omnivorous”, Juan Pascual, the endocrinologist and professor of sports nutrition Antonio Escribano or the journalist and popularizer José Manuel Álvarez, coordinator of the Livestock-Meat Forum.



The first training session, also presented by Canal Sur journalist Fernando García Mena, already brought together in mid-April in El Puerto de Santa María more than a hundred boys and girls between 12 and 15 years old, from schools in the Bahía de Cádiz region, who listened with great interest to the interventions on the value and nutritional density of meat and its essential nutrients, the sustainability of livestock farming and its fundamental role in our society, both in the development of rural areas and for all the services and products it provides, and asked numerous questions of the speakers.




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