The processed meat market grew 4% in 2024, exceeding €8.6 billion

The eleventh edition of DBK’s Basic Sectors study “Processed Meats” shows that the market value of this market experienced growth in 2024, exceeding €8.6 billion at the end of the year, which was 3.9% more than in the previous year.


El mercado de elaborados cárnicos creció un 4% en 2024, superando los 8.600 millones


Despite the weakening of household consumption, the positive performance of sales to the hotel and restaurant sector allowed the overall market to continue growing, further driven by the upward trend in prices.

Foreign trade maintained a positive trend in value, although somewhat more moderate than in 2023. Thus, the value of exports grew by 6.4%, to €1.962 billion, while imports increased by 5.0%, reaching €605 million.

France, Portugal, and Germany remained the main destination markets for Spanish companies’ exports, accounting for around 45% of total exports. Meanwhile, Germany, the Netherlands, France, and Italy were the main suppliers, with a share of nearly 70% of foreign purchases.

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