On April 8, the prior public consultation of the draft Royal Decree establishing rules for the development of articles 40 and 41 of Law 17/2011, of July 5, was published on the website of the Ministry of Consumer Affairs. of Food Safety and Nutrition, for the promotion of a healthy and sustainable diet in educational centers. All interested persons can submit their contributions to this project until May 12, 2022 by sending an email to the mailbox [email protected]
The project, which is part of the Spanish Agency for Food Safety and Nutrition (AESAN), aims to establish minimum nutritional quality and sustainability criteria that guide the contracting, acquisition and supply of food and beverages in school cafeterias.
According to the document subject to public consultation, this Royal Decree is intended to respond to a series of premises:
- Boys and girls spend a lot of time at school, as well as the fact that many schoolchildren eat at least one main meal every day in this type of establishment, usually the midday meal.
- The school environment is therefore key to stimulating healthy eating patterns in all social classes, and promoting behaviors that can be maintained into adulthood.
- In 2020, the European Commission adopted the “Farm to Fork” Strategy for a fair, healthy and environmentally friendly food system.
- The demand for sustainable and healthy school canteens is emerging as an emerging reality.
- The Milan Pact, Urban Food Policy Pact that aspires to implement a more equitable, healthy and sustainable system.
- Recognize the importance of including social and environmental criteria in public procurement.