The Spanish pig sector strengthens ties with the French pig sector

Within the framework of the Alimentaria fair, INTERPORC together with ANPROGAPOR received INAPORC and the Fédération Nationale Porcine for the exchange of knowledge between the Spanish and French pig sectors. During the visit, the French farmers were able to visit and meet with various companies in the sector to learn more about the Spanish pig production system as well as identify the differences with the French system.


Colaboración porcino español y francés


A meeting also took place where a history of the pork sector was presented, as well as the evolution and current situation of the Spanish pork sector in terms of animal production, meat production, economic data, etc. In addition, several topics of interest in relation to animal welfare were discussed, especially Spain’s vision with respect to future regulations (cage-free systems in farrowing pens, castration, tail-docking, etc.), reduction of antibiotics, the proposal approved by the European Parliament regarding the new emissions regulations, and other topics of interest.

Taking advantage of this situation, ties were strengthened with these two associations with a view to going hand in hand in the future in the same position when debating the future policies that are intended to be implemented in the European Union, within the framework of the Farm To strategy Farm To Fork.


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