They ask for an “Iberian exception” in Europe for agriculture and livestock in the Mediterranean area

“We must raise our voices in Europe and before the Ministry to demand a different action.” This is how the COAG (Coordinator of Farmers and Ranchers) of Castilla y León has expressed itself this week to demand another way of doing agricultural policy. Specifically, the coordinator refers to changes in the CAP, Common Agricultural Policy, so that it can adapt to the agronomic and climatic reality, with the problems related to drought.



That is why COAG requests an Iberian exception for agriculture and livestock on the Mediterranean coast. “If it was achieved with energy, it can also be done now,” explains the coordinator of COAG Castilla y León, Lorenzo Rivera, in statements to Europapress.

Rivera has also asked for the possibility of introducing into the academic curriculum “a subject on food, agriculture and livestock in primary schools” so that all children know “first-hand” where products come from.

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