95% of companies in the food sector already work on reducing and preventing food waste

The general director of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, José Miguel Herrero, explained during the inauguration of the 11th Meeting Point Against Food Waste, organized by AECOC that “Spain is on the front line of the EU in reducing food waste” .

According to figures provided by MAPA and collected by Revista Cárnica, food loss in homes fell by 6.2% in 2022, “thanks to the collaboration between administration and companies. More than 95% work on the prevention and reduction of food waste”. In the last decade, according to AECOC, the chain’s waste rate has been reduced by half.



Anafric webinar on food waste

Although each year the figures show that food is used better in Spain, still more than half of food waste occurs in homes, according to MAPA data. The 4th edition of the International Food Loss and Waste Awareness Day has served as a framework for Anafric, a meat business association, to present to its partners the AnafricZero campaign, an initiative that aims to bring together the initiatives that the sector is carrying out. to stop waste, on the one hand, and to be a point of reference to search for information on this topic. All information can be found at anafriczero.anafric.es and on social networks

This step is intended to call for action by the public and private sector to reduce food loss and waste and contribute to the achievement of the 2030 Agenda.

Anafric considers that the meat industry must be “indispensable” in the fight against waste. During the presentation, it was put on the table why it is necessary for all links in the meat industry to fight waste:

1.- Meat waste means wasting resources, which increases production costs.
2.- If we don’t take advantage of the meat, we waste the money invested.
3.- Meat waste can be linked to food safety problems.
4.- Meat waste damages the image of the industry.
5.- Waste is linked to environmental sustainability.

For all these reasons, Anafric insists that it is necessary for society to have a clear image that the meat industry has been fighting waste for some time. Therefore, the website and social networks, with the hashtag #AnafricZERO, constitute an essential communication platform to spread this message.

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