A new edition of the Ruta del Paquito returns with a national contest for the best sandwich, in October

A new edition of the Paquito Route, the lamb sandwich with its own name, begins.A total of 100 establishments in Madrid, Valencia, Barcelona, ​​Lérida, Valladolid, Zamora and León will offer from June 6 and for a month their original version of Paquito, the national lamb sandwich with its own name, which reaches bars and restaurants Thank you INTEROVIC for bringing this meat closer to the younger public.






This is an INTEROVIC initiative that aims to promote the consumption of lamb, especially among the younger public, and show the versatility of this exceptionally tender and tasty meat. The route that has already been installed throughout its six years of history in more than 800 establishments in 15 provinces throughout Spain.

In its 2024 edition, which started on June 6 and will be valid for a month, the Ruta del Paquito can be enjoyed in Madrid, Valencia, Barcelona, ​​Lleida, Valladolid, Zamora and León. In these cities, 100 establishments participate and will offer their particular version of Paquito in their usual menu.

But there are more participating cities. The route will be expected in Aragón, Castilla la Mancha and other communities, where it will arrive in the month of September and, in addition, in autumn the contest will be held for the first time to choose the Best Paquito in Spain.

In this link you can expand the establishments and corners of Spain that offer this tasty and healthy sandwich.


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