Anafric, against making the European Commission’s Payment Terms Regulation more flexible, which proposes a maximum payment of 30 days

Anafric has shown its firmest rejection of the amendments presented by some groups of MEPs that propose that the European Commission establish “freedom of payment between companies.” These MEPs, according to the president of Anafric, José Friguls, “propose the possibility of extending payment terms to more than 30 days and this, for SMEs that live day to day, is manifestly unfair and unsupportive. It turns out that “The most important part of this gap between payments and collections will affect SMEs and the self-employed, while the largest ones finance themselves by lengthening terms.”



Las enmiendas presentadas por algunos grupos parlamentarios, básicamente de signo conservador, se presentan el 22 de febrero. Si son aprobadas en contra de la voluntad del resto de grupos, el Reglamento se paralizará. Asimismo, José Friguls, expone que la propuesta de Reglamento de la  Comisión Europea es un paso adelante para que las pymes puedan vivir de su trabajo. “Las enmiendas presentadas para alargar los pagos van en contra de la Ley de la Cadena Alimentaria. Si los pagos entre empresas se retrasan, las pymes serían las perjudicadas”.

The amendments presented by some parliamentary groups, basically conservative, are presented on February 22. If they are approved against the will of the rest of the groups, the Regulations will be paralyzed. Likewise, José Friguls explains that the European Commission’s proposed Regulation is a step forward so that SMEs can make a living from their work. “The amendments presented to extend payments go against the Food Chain Law. If payments between companies are delayed, SMEs would be the losers.”

What the Food Chain Law says

According to this detail, the acquisition of fresh and perishable products, such as meat and derived products, will be paid within a period of 30 days from the date of delivery of the goods.

Perishable products include:

  • Fresh, chilled or frozen consuming potatoes, natural or peeled, whole or cut.
  • Fresh, chilled or frozen vegetables and greens, whole or chopped.
  • Fresh, chilled or frozen fruits, whole or chopped.
  • Sheep, bovine, pork, poultry, game, and other meats, fresh, chilled or frozen
    Offal and offal products.
  • Charcuterie and meat preparations.
  • Eggs, egg products and other egg derivatives, chilled or frozen.
  • Fresh, certified or pasteurized milk.
  • Yogurts and unpasteurized fermented milks, butter, cottage cheese and fresh cheese.
  • Cheeses with a best-before or best-before date of less than 30 days or that require cold storage.
  • Dairy products that do not allow storage at room temperature.
  • Margarines
  • Semi-preserved, etc.

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