Article in EFE. SOS from extensive livestock farmers: “Without generational change, in 20 years we will become extinct”

The president of the National Association of Extensive Livestock Farmers (Anggex), Felipe Molina, has defended the need to ensure generational change because, otherwise, this sector will become extinct in 20 years. EFEAgro conducts an interesting interview from which important conclusions are drawn. Regarding the challenges that the extensive sector faces, Felipe Molina explains: “The first, and main, is that we must achieve sufficient generational change because the average age of Spanish extensive livestock farmers is 61 years. ; so in 20 years we will be extinct if there is no replacement. To fight against it, we must also leave a productive system that is economically viable, that is, economic sustainability.”


Artículo en EFE. SOS de los ganaderos de extensivo


Regarding the issue of the environment, the president of Angged believes that “the good thing about extensive livestock farming, and that everyone identifies, is its environmental sustainability because we are the ones who have best adapted to this Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). We have not had to adapt anything because we already complied with it but, despite this, they have reduced our amounts. Instead of rewarding us, they have reduced our aid per hectare of pastures.

Felipe Molina explains that “we want a study of how much value a sheep, a goat or a pig contributes, how much good it does (for the environment) and translate it into a rate to pay as payment (to the extensive livestock farmer). They owe it to us. to pay because, if not, we cannot be competitive or continue with this beautiful work that everyone praises.

You can expand the information at  EFEAgro.



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