ASOPROVAC presents its advances in Carbon Farming in Madrid

ASOPROVAC, the organization that represents 70% of beef cattle in Spain, has presented the progress of its LIFE Carbon Farming project at the College of Veterinarians of Madrid. This initiative, funded by the European Union’s LIFE program, aims to develop a mechanism that rewards European beef producers for their efforts in sustainability.


Beef Carbon


This strategy, started in 2015 through the Beef Carbon project, currently continues with this new program, the most ambitious work analyzing sustainability in European beef farms, and which shows the sector’s involvement in the matter. To carry it out, a team of experts distributed in the six participating countries is coordinating efforts to train the technicians who will advise the 700 participating beef and dairy farms on their carbon reduction plans.

Matilde Moro, national ASOPROVAC manager, explained the background of this initiative and how work is being done to develop a common harmonized method at European level to control and verify carbon footprint reductions (MRV method, Monitoring Reporting Verification). According to Moro, the final objective is that companies external to the sector or from the value chain itself, which are already turning to the market to purchase carbon credits, can invest in the decarbonization of the beef sector, a crucial sector for rural areas. of our country and that provides direct employment to more than 150,000 families directly, and many more indirectly.


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