Extensible pig, sheep and cattle farmers highlight the importance of soil for future nutrition

Farmers and ranchers from all over Spain have met at a meeting organized by Editorial Agrícola and Redpac and have made known their sustainable practices when working with soils, to keep them alive and be able to guarantee food production.





This meeting, which has been covered by EfeAgro, was inaugurated by the political analyst and press officer of the Representation of the European Commission, Paula Ceballos; the deputy director general of agricultural policy planning of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPA), Ignacio Atance; and the president of Grupo Editorial Agrícola-Henar Comunicación, Enrique Ruiz.


Sustainable system. Need to adapt to changes

Representatives of pig, sheep and cattle farming have also presented their experiences. During his interventions, the importance of caring for the soil so that the earth remains alive in the long term and can continue generating food, the need to adapt to changes and circumstances at any given time, and to be economically sustainable has been highlighted. for the system to be viable.

Precisely representatives of extensive sheep and beef cattle farming carry out transhumance with their livestock, which allows the animals to eat and leave the soil clean, in addition to not depleting the resources of a site by being on the move.

And although it hasn’t turned out well financially, the CAP does not compensate for all the effort they make.

One of the final conclusions was that new techniques must be incorporated, and for this science and the transfer of knowledge are very important.


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