IV Provacuno course aimed at meat professionals

The Beef Interprofessional (Provacuno) is going to give its IV Training Course for professionals in the beef sector. This is a free, online activity that begins on April 8 and ends on May 13, FROM 7:30 p.m. to 8:45 p.m. The objective of this course is to train all people who in their professional activity are related to the breeding, processing, marketing, consumption, etc., of meat products in general and beef in particular, of the characteristics and properties of the same and the importance that their work and professional work has on the health of the population, on the territorial structure of the country, especially in the rural areas where a good part of the sector’s activity is based.








Currently, this training is necessary in specific aspects related to:

✔The composition and properties of meat products and the importance of consuming animal protein in life and health, and in the enjoyment of the population, as well as all the macro and micronutrients that meat provides.

✔The health problems that following restrictive diet models can cause and the danger that it can entail, especially in certain population groups such as babies and children, older people, etc.

✔The importance of the work of the people who are part of the value chain, their effort and their good work to produce safe and quality food, with criteria of sustainability and respect for animals. In short, working for the health of people, animals and the planet.

✔The importance of knowing correct data about the sustainability indices of the sector and the improvement initiatives that are being developed to contribute to the solution against global warming and the future of the planet.


✔The ideological, activist, economic-financial, business, political and other interests behind the anti-livestock and anti-meat movements, and the promotion of food and food production systems based on plants and restrictive of protein of animal origin.


This fourth edition is full of new content and taught by 2 luxury speakers:


Dr. Antonio Escribano
• Professor of Sports Nutrition
• Doctor Specialist in Endocrinology and Nutrition and in Physical Education and Sports Medicine.
• Director of the International Chair of Sports Nutrition – Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia (UCAM). Murcia.
• Professor of Nutrition, Hydration and Sports – University of Navarra (UNAV). Navarre
• Doctor “Honoris Causa” from the San Ignacio de Loyola University (USIL). Peru.

Jose Manuel Alvarez
• Graduate in Information Sciences. Journalist and communicator.
• Specialized in corporate communication, reputation and crisis, consumer communication, nutrition and health, sustainability and ethics in the meat sector.
• Responsible for communication for numerous livestock-meat organizations.
• Coordinator of the Meat and Health Platform (Meat Livestock Forum), which brings together the six interprofessional organizations in the sector: Asici, Avianza, Intercun, Interovic, Interporc and Provacuno.

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