List of essential products prepared by Aesan to include in the food basket with moderate products. The Ministry of Consumer Affairs will transfer this Friday, September 23, to distributors interested in preparing food baskets with moderate prices, a reference guide with those it considers to be priorities “for healthy and affordable eating”. Products to include in the basket with limited prices
The list of ESSENTIAL PRODUCTS, which has been prepared by the Spanish Agency for Food Safety and Nutrition (Aesan), responds to the Government’s commitment so that the large chains offer a shopping basket with healthy foods and frozen prices until after Christmas.
As for meat, the list refers to including in the shopping basket meats that are healthier “such as poultry and rabbit” and that “can be included” frozen or canned lean products with low salt content “.
As regards “protein sources”, Aeasan clarifies that they can be “both animal and vegetable”, and indicates that “there is a wide range of foods” that can be combined “both daily and weekly to ensure protein intake in a varied and affordable way.