National Meeting of Rural Women November 7, Seville, organized by MAPA and CaixaBank

CaixaBank and the Ministerio de Agricultura Pesca y Alimentación (MAPA) have launched ‘Crecemos juntas- Rural Mentors Project’, a professional development program available to women entrepreneurs in rural areas. In this framework, on November 7, the First Meeting of Rural Women will be presented in Seville, where experiences of entrepreneurship and female empowerment can be shared and learned about. It will take place on López Pintado street from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., at Caixa Forum Sevilla.

This program, designed by CaixaBank’s Human Resources Development department, pursues several objectives, among them, systematizing the transmission of knowledge and experiences accumulated by rural entrepreneurs and accelerating their development and professional growth. In addition, it also seeks to form and visualize a solid network of women leaders in rural areas.

A total of 17 pairs of women will begin a mentoring process over six months. It is a co-learning process that is established between one person (mentor), who facilitates, guides and accompanies the development of another (mentee).

CaixaBank, through AgroBank, a specific business line for the agri-food sector, has a firm commitment to promoting and developing women in rural areas and promoting diversity.


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