Spain visits China to promote the opening of the Asian giant to beef

PROVACUNO together with the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Luis Planas, visit China to promote the opening of the Asian market to beef from Spain within the framework of the SIAL China fair. This fair, which is held in Shanghai from May 28 to 30 and is the most important in Asia due to the influx of professionals and the presentation of the largest beef producers in the world, has become an objective of great interest for the Spanish sector.


Luis Planas has organized a meeting at the fair with Spanish companies, highlighting their good positioning in China and their willingness to negotiate new product openings, including beef. To this end, a round of negotiations will be held on Friday to energize this commitment.

During his visit to the PROVACUNO stand at the fair, Planas held a meeting with the vice president of the interprofessional, Raúl Sanz; the director of Internationalization, José Ramón Godoy; and representatives of the beef companies present at the event.


Luis Planas has organized a meeting at the fair with Spanish companies, highlighting their good positioning in China and their willingness to negotiate new product openings, including beef


The previous one: China’s visit to Spain

Prior to the action in China, the visit of the Vice Minister of Agriculture of China to Spain took place, where meetings were held with Spanish businessmen and there was the participation of Doña María del Carmen González Serrano representing the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food of Spain.

During the visit, where the control systems on the products, their traceability and food safety standards at the highest global level could be verified, the Chinese delegation was conveyed the will of all the Spanish beef companies to accelerate the approval of Spanish beef for export to China.


China is the largest beef importer in the world, with demand exceeding 3 million tons. Due to this reality and the potential of the Asian country towards quality products such as Spanish beef, the sector highlights the opening of the Asian market as a priority after five years of intense work.

The presence at the fair is part of the agreement that the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPA) maintains with Spanish interprofessional meat organizations for promotion in the foreign market. This activity has been the axis of the actions developed in China by PROVACUNO during the last week, where visits have also been made to beef production establishments, market analysis with data collection at points of sale, meetings with importers and Spanish companies, and interviews with representatives of the Chinese administration.

China is the largest beef importer in the world, with demand exceeding 3 million tons. Due to this reality and the potential of the Asian country towards quality products such as Spanish beef, the sector highlights the opening of the Asian market as a priority after five years of intense work.

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