The beef burger, the main preference for home delivery

The beef burger continues to be in the highest places in the preferences of Spaniards when it comes to ordering food at home. It is one of the many conclusions of the Gastrometro, the annual report prepared by an important delivery company and which analyzes gastronomic developments, consumption habits and market forecasts for online delivery in Spain.

Precisely, these data coincide with those presented by SigmaDos for Provacuno at the end of November. According to the report “Study of opinion on beef among the Spanish population”, the hamburger is the preferred option when going out to eat something with friends. 28.3% of Spaniards opt for a hamburger when they go out to eat something with friends. 19.7% go for pizza and 17.3% go for Asian food. This first position occurs in all age groups, but it is young adults, between 30 and 44 years old, who prefer it the most (35.3%).

When it comes to ordering something at home, although pizza is the first option for 37.7% of Spaniards, in second place, we choose a hamburger (19%), followed by Asian food (13.1%) and kebab (5.5%).

The preference between pizza and hamburger tends to equalize at a younger age and in the youngest segment, 18 to 29 years old, they almost tie: 30.6% opt for pizza, and 27.5% prefer hamburger.

The hamburger meat, cooked and with cheese

When eating a hamburger, 57.1% of Spaniards prefer it to be just right. 27.3% prefer it well done, while 11.8% prefer it rare. To accompany the burger, cheese is the preferred ingredient (34.6%). Onion and tomato compete for second place as a side dish (13.4%).

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