The opening of the Chinese market is one of the objectives of INTEROVIC’s visit to the world’s leading importer of sheep and goat meat, China

With the aim of promoting the consumption of suckling pig, lamb and goat meat, INTEROVIC has participated in the most important food fair in China, SIAL Shanghai. It does so accompanied by three companies in the sector, Coviher, Moralejo Selección and Soluciones Levantinas and within the framework of the collaboration agreement for the promotion of Spanish meat products in international markets signed by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPA) with different interprofessional meat organizations, and in collaboration with PROVACUNO through the jointly developed brand ‘Beef and Lamb from Spain’.




With its presence in Sial Shanghai, the INTEROVIC space has attracted the attention and visits of numerous Chinese meat importing companies that have had the opportunity to learn about the differential value of our food compared to other global producers. This has shown the great interest that the Chinese market has in being able to enjoy Spanish sheep and goat meat, considered some of the best in the world.

This message has been transmitted to the different Spanish authorities who have also visited the INTEROVIC space, such as the Minister of Agriculture, Mr. Luis Planas, the Ambassador of Spain, Ms. Marta Betanzos, and Ramiro Sánchez, Commercial Attaché of the embassy. in China. The President of INTEROVIC, Raúl Muñiz, points out that “the reopening of the wool market and the opening of the Chinese market for sheep and goat products is necessary for the development of our sector, the protocol that authorizes the export of meat from sheep and goats will allow Spanish companies to offer our products to consumers in China, this will contribute to the internal market of our country developing in a more agile way.”



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