Artículo Realidad Ganadera: El papel de la sanidad animal en el bienestar de Europa en los próximos años

La Unión Europea acaba de renovar sus instituciones tras las elecciones al Parlamento Europeo del pasado mes de junio y […]
Anafric asks for the support of institutions and media to defend the meat sector

Anafric, a Spanish meat association, has participated in the webinar “From the Dublin Declaration to the Madrid Manifesto”, organized by […]
Project to highlight native breeds of Spanish beef
Carpisa Foods presents a pioneering project aimed at highlighting the native breeds of cattle in the country. Spain has a […]
Spain leads innovation projects in the agri-food sector in Europe thanks to the work of the operational groups

Spain is the country with the largest number of innovative projects financed by the European Union (EU), supported by the […]
Europe loses 5.3 million farms in 15 years

The Statistical Office of the European Union (Eurostat) reported in a recent publication that the number of agricultural holdings in […]
Asturias destina 4 millones al sector ganadero para compensar el alza de los precios del cereal por la invasión a Ucrania

El Consejo de Gobierno de Asturias ha autorizado un gasto de cuatro millones para la convocatoria de una ayuda, temporal […]
Código de Buenas Prácticas de la Cadena Alimentaria en Cataluña

➕Anafric es miembro del Codi de Bones Pràctiques Comercials al llarg de la Cadena Alimentària a Catalunya (CBPC) de la […]
Barcelona creates priority areas for livestock and agriculture

The Metropolitan Area of Barcelona (AMB) has created PEPNat, the special management plan for the natural environment and landscape of […]