Raúl Muñiz Renews His Position at Copa-Cogeca and Reaffirms Spain’s Key Role in the European Sheep Sector

Raúl Muñiz, President of INTEROVIC and representative of Agri-Food Cooperatives of Spain, has been re-elected as President of the Copa-Cogeca […]
ANAFRIC expresses confidence in the adaptability of the Spanish sheep sector in the face of the cancellation of the Lamb Festival in Morocco

The cancellation of the Lamb Festival in Morocco reflects the severity of the drought that the neighbouring country is going […]
Meat consumption in Spain: 98% of Spaniards eat meat frequently, according to a study by Sigma Dos

98% of Spaniards eat meat with varying frequency, according to the most significant data from the “Opinion study on the […]
The Government pays 16.89 million euros in direct aid from the 2024 CAP to 2,375 livestock farmers

The Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food has paid this Friday 16.89 million euros in direct aid from the […]
Castilla y León opens the period for livestock farmers to process aid for the PAC 2025

This process, whose bases will be published in the Official Gazette of Castilla y León (BOCyL), will remain open until […]
COVIHER en MEAT ATTRACTION: Innovación y compromiso desde las raíces andaluzas

Fundada en 2003, COVIHER surge como un proyecto apasionado de un grupo de profesionales con fuertes vínculos con el entorno […]
Spanish sheep and goat products conquer new markets due to their high quality: Two out of five lambs are exported

INTEROVIC has held its VIII Internationalisation Seminar under the motto “Horizon 2025. Internationalisation of the sector and search for new […]
Lamb offal, the star of Madrid Fusión

The INTEROVIC interprofessional will be present in Pavilion 14 at stand 0D026A of Madrid Fusión, the most influential gastronomy congress […]
Castilla-La Mancha promotes grazing against forest fires with subsidies for €360,000

The Government of Castilla-La Mancha has published a new call for aid for an amount of €360,000 to promote, among […]
The EC allocates 132 million euros in 2025 to co-finance activities to promote agri-food products

The European Commission will allocate 132 million euros in 2025 to co-finance activities to promote sustainable and high-quality agri-food products […]
Livestock and meat outlook until 2035 according to the EU and FAO

The European Commission has just published its report The medium-term outlook for EU agricultural markets and income until 2035, on […]
Trends in gastronomy, meat and technology for 2025

The food industry is in a moment of transformation driven by technological advances, changes in consumer preferences and a growing […]
Artículo en Realidad Ganadera: ¿Es moralmente defendible comer carne?

A pesar de la creciente demanda mundial de proteínas, ciertos medios de comunicación, ONGs e influencers cuestionan cada vez más la […]
INTEROVIC, present at the ADIFE fair in Abu Dhabi

Within the framework of the European programme “Luxury Lamb from EU”, INTEROVIC participated in the ADIFE fair, held last November […]
EC welcomes postponement of abatement regulation on reforestation

The Commission welcomes the provisional political agreement reached between the European Parliament and the Council on the Commission’s proposal to […]
The livestock sector asks for a two-year extension of the life of the manure treatment plants

The Spanish livestock sector has joined together to ask for a two-year extension of the useful life of manure treatment […]
‘Pastoreo’ returns to Madrid to bring lamb to the city in a cultural key

It has already become a classic event in Madrid. With the arrival of the December long weekend and the official […]
The best Paquito in Spain, in Huesca

The version of El Paquito de cordero by the chef Roberto Villarroya from the Olla de Huesca restaurant has won […]
Interovic, Mensajeros de la Paz and Cocineros en Acción bring more than 2,000 portions of lamb to those affected by the DANA in Valencia

The three organizations have coordinated to distribute hot dishes made with lamb between this week and next week, such as […]
Nearly 3,000 dead animals removed from farms in towns devastated by the DANA

The Ministry of Agriculture, Water, Livestock and Fisheries has so far removed 2,950 dead animals from farms in areas affected […]