Beyond Meat will not be able to use its brand for the sale of meat analogues in the EU

On May 7, the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) issued a decision to partially cancel the use of the Beyond Meat figurative trademark for the marketing of meat substitute products made from vegetable proteins. This is a response to a lawsuit initiated by Interveb, the interprofessional beef organization in France.



However, the Beyond Meat brand may continue to be applied to other products in these categories: snacks based on nuts, cereals, dishes prepared from vegetables and greens, etc.

The EUIPO’s decision is based on the arguments provided by Interveb, which indicate that the brand logo represents a cow with a cape on a green background, the application of which can be interpreted by consumers as a product made from animal meat. . “This cannot be used in a non-misleading manner for any product that is not meat or milk or is composed primarily of meat or milk. “The logo represented provides contradictory information with all those products presented as substitutes for meat or dairy, but also with products that are not primarily composed of meat or dairy,” the resolution states.


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