Webinar en exclusiva para los socios de Anafric el próximo 14 de julio: Transformación digital en el sector cárnico. Gestión documental. Vídeo inteligente. Infraestructura informática
Desde Konica Minolta, conscientes de la importancia que supone hoy día el proceso de transformación digital para todas las empresas […]
65,000 women promote the international leadership of the Spanish pig sector
65,000 women work in the Spanish pig sector, which represents 4.2 out of 10 jobs, and they play a fundamental […]
EU target: Labeling for happy animals
Los países de la Unión Europea han apoyado el proyecto de establecer un etiquetado que identifique los alimentos que proceden de animales que han sido tratados con estándares de bienestar, respondiendo así a la creciente demanda de esos productos. El ministro español de Agricultura, Luis Planas, ha señalado que España apoya esas conclusiones que «van en el sentido de premiar y dar posibilidad de ingresos adicionales a los ganaderos que desde el punto de vista del bienestar animal lleven a cabo mejores prácticas».
The strategic plan for nutrition in Catalonia is born
Catalonia already has a Strategic Food Plan that includes the entire value chain and that will begin in 2021 and […]
The shelf life of meat, according to the Food Standards Agency
The UK Food Standards Agency (FSA) has published a new Shelf Life Guide for Meat. The revised guide covers fresh modified atmosphere vacuum-packed beef, lamb, and pork sold in American supermarkets. It does not apply to meats subject to further processing, such as chopping, cooking, or mixing with other ingredients such as herbs, spices, or curing salts.
Provacuno, in favor of environmental sustainability and the reduction of emissions
Provacuno assegura que 2020 finalitza amb grans avenços en sostenibilitat ambiental i reducció d’emissions. La interprofessional de la carn de boví assenyala que la responsabilitat de el sector amb el medi ambient és “immensa, i per això està treballant en el programa europeu” Life Beef Carbon “per reduir al menys un 15% les emissions de gasos d’efecte hivernacle a els propers deu anys “.
€ 8,070 million extra for European farmers in two years. Objective: improvements in environmental and animal welfare measures
La Unión Europea ha llegado a un acuerdo con el Parlamento Europeo (junto a la Comisión Europea) sobre la ampliación de las normas actuales de la PAC hasta finales de 2022, la denominada PAC transitoria para 2021 y 2022, así como para distribuir 8.070 millones de euros adicionales del Instrumento europeo de Recuperación (Next Generation UE) a los agricultores europeos en estos dos años.
Los avances del sector porcino en bienestar animal. Mesa redonda virtual el 2 de diciembre organizado por Eurocarne e Interporc
El evento tendrá lugar el 2 de diciembre a las 16h y ofrecerá a través de un formato de mesa redonda digital, una visión renovada de los avances, esfuerzos y de todo lo conseguido por parte del sector porcino en materia de bienestar animal.
World Antibiotic Use Awareness Week. Objective, improve practices among health workers, consumers and politicians
Del 18 al 24 de noviembre se ha celebrado la Semana Mundial de Concienciación sobre el Uso de los Antibióticos, con el objetivo de aumentar la concienciación mundial sobre la resistencia a los antibióticos y fomentar las mejores prácticas entre el público en general, los trabajadores de la salud y los responsables de la formulación de políticas para evitar que la resistencia a los antibióticos siga apareciendo y propagándose.
INTEROVIC presents its certificate in animal welfare for sheep and goat products
The novelty of this scheme is that it is based on scientific-technical criteria, of more than one hundred parameters, which define in detail the situation in which a farm and its animals find themselves. In this way, by knowing the characteristics of the livestock environment and management, as well as the state and behavior of the animals, the well-being with which the suckers, kids or lambs produced under this seal are raised can be guaranteed.
Documentary on the protection of animals transported by boat from Spain
Asoprovac presents a new video on the conditions of animal transport by boat: the reality of guaranteeing their protection. Asoprovac, the Spanish Association of Beef Producers, launches a second report on the European regulation of animal welfare. It is a video that aims to publicize the reality of live bovine exports, in this case from one of the main Spanish ports of departure, Cartagena.
The European consumer does not understand the term “Raised in …” on the labels indicating the origin of meat
The European Commission has published a study on the importance of indications of origin of meat. Consumers consider that the country of origin labeling is important information at the point of purchase, but the study points out that the understanding of these definitions by the consumer is low and, therefore, there are doubts about the consumer’s interpretation.
Hotel sector ask for direct aid worth 8,500 milion euros
The hospitality sector, through the Juntos con la Hostelería platform (made up of FIAB, Hostelería de España and AECOC) has […]
The meat sector can present allegations to the Royal Decree on measures of video surveillance in slaughterhouses until October 23
The Ministry of Consumption, through the Spanish Agency for Food Safety and Nutrition (AESAN), has released the draft Royal Decree […]
The interprofessionals INTEROVIC, INTERPORC and PROVACUNO collaborate with MAPA in the international promotion of meat products
El MAPA (Ministerio de Agricultura Pesca y Alimentación) han acordado la renovación del convenio de colaboración con INTEROVIC, INTERPORC y PROVACUNO para la promoción internacional de los productos cárnicos españoles de ovino, caprino, porcino de capa blanca y vacuno de carne, en terceros países mediante la participación conjunta en determinadas ferias internacionales durante los años 2020 y 2021. Todas estas acciones están sometidas a la evolución de la pandemia por el coronavirus. Anafric informará detenidamente sobre todas las iniciativas en su comunicado semanal de las interprofesionales.
INNOTUB is born, a transpiraneic network to combat animal tuberculosis
Animal tuberculosis is a bacterial disease that mainly affects cows, goats and some wild mammals, causing a high economic and social impact on the livestock sector and also posing a risk of infection for people. For years, Spain and France have been fighting this disease to avoid losses in productivity and genetic value, in addition to restricting movements and trade in animal products.
The EU’s Farm to Table strategy, various points to consider
The European Union is preparing a strategy to achieve a healthier and more sustainable diet. It is the so-called Farm to Fork Strategy, which will mark the evolution of environmental regulations or policies as important as the CAP. The Farm to Table strategy will seek to foster the circular economy, reducing the environmental impact of food production and lowering the percentages of food waste.
The Commission’s estimates affirm that each year more than 1.3 billion tons of food are wasted in the world, a third of world production. The Farm to Fork strategy may have consequences for the meat sector, due to the persecution of greenhouse gases and the elimination of aid and meat promotion campaigns. From Anafric, we try to answer the questions that arise regarding the strategy, through Carolina Cururella, one of the association’s technical professionals.
Animal welfare commission of inquiry set up
The European Parliament has created a committee to investigate non-compliance with EU rules on the protection of transported animals. Within 12 months, they will have to present a report in which they will find the infringements they find in the application of the EU animal welfare rules during transport inside and outside the EU.
Project to extend the shelf life of meats thanks to biodegradable packaging
The new packaging can lengthen the shelf life of meat, fish or vegetables, and degrade in a maximum period of 90 days after it is discarded, while it can reduce food waste, which is one of the objectives of the strategy of the circular bioeconomy of the EU.
Carne y Salut platform. The livestock-meat sector, economic engine of rural Spain
The livestock-meat sector reiterates its commitment to feeding the population, offering them quality, safe products and complying with the strict requirements of animal and environmental welfare set by the European Model of Production, redoubling its efforts to contribute to the whole of society to overcome the crisis caused by the coronavirus.