The youngest, families with children under 12 years of age and those with higher family incomes, the most likely to consume vegan products, according to a study in the United States.
This is a study by the US Livestock and Beef Research and Promotion Board dealing with the competitive threats of […]
#Livestock Reality. Could a world exist without livestock?
Anafric participa en la iniciativa #RealidadGanadera, una acción que aúna organizaciones relacionadas con el sector ganadero, con el objetivo de […]
Origin Spain does not want products with quality seals to carry the Nutriscore label
Origin Spain has presented a position document, before the national and regional administrations and the European Commission, to request the […]
Aecoc will analyze the strategies followed by the industry to guarantee food safety in the face of covid-19 and emerging risks
The health crisis caused by COVID-19 has created an added challenge for food production systems and supply chains. The 18th […]
Catalonia gives the green light to the strategic food plan 2021-2026 that promotes sustainable food, rooted in the territory and promoters of new healthy habits
The Government of the Generalitat has approved the Strategic Food Plan of Catalonia (PEAC) 2,021-2,026 and has entrusted the Department […]
Anafric renueva su colaboración con Konica Minolta para ayudar a los socios a realizar “su transformación digital”
Siempre con el objetivo de buscar las mejores soluciones para sus socios, Anafric ha vuelto a renovar su colaboración con Konica Minolta, empresa de servicios integración de IT, con soluciones especiales para el sector ganadero – cárnico sobre consultoría empresarial, tecnología, software y soluciones de vanguardia en el campo de entorno cloud. Con el horizonte tecnológico para presente que nunca, tener un buen compañero de viaje es fundamental para no quedar atrás en el sector.
Interporc highlights the key role of the pig sector for economic recovery
The pandemic has shown that the white coat pig sector is “a key economic sector that will play a decisive role in the process of recovery and transformation of the Spanish economy.”
Sheep and goat meats were exported 63% more in January 2021
Spain exported 217,521 t of meat products during the month of January, according to the data published by CEXGAN. The […]
Asoprovac assures that the PAC will mean “ruin” for a large part of the farmers
ASOPROVAC afirma que el Real Decreto que regula la PAC crea una “ruptura y supondrá la ruina de un gran número de ganaderos”. La organización critica que el documento “se ha elaborado de espaldas al campo español y por tanto haciendo caso omiso a las preocupaciones del sector ganadero”.
Resultados de traducción The US pork industry will show the actions in favor of climate efficiency to the new Biden administration
The new Democratic administration will gather information from farmers, ranchers and other stakeholders on how to use federal programs […]
Bureau Veritas will certify the PAWS seal of Animal Welfare of PROVACUNO
Bureau Veritas has obtained authorization to act as an independent certifier of the Animal Welfare seal PROVACUNO Animal Welfare Spain […]
Food companies offer their medical services to assist in vaccination and Australia prioritizes meat workers
desde Anafric recogemos la iniciativa de Australia, cuyo gobierno ha incluido a la industria procesadora de carne como grupo PRIORITARIO de vacunación frenta a la covid-19, después de colectivo sanitario. Para Australia, “los operarios cárnicos son trabajadores críticos y de alto riesgo, y por ello se les ha ubicado en el mismo grupo que al personal de defensa, policía, bomberos y servicios de emergencia”.
The WOW seal certifies animal welfare in the transport of animals
In recent years, much progress has been made in this regard, both at the legislative level and at the sectoral […]
Cantabria promotes mountain grazing to generate wealth in unpopulated areas
The Government of Cantabria will continue to promote mountain grazing to implement a viable livestock system that allows the generation […]
Success of the Provacuno Christmas campaign
Provacuno has shown its satisfaction through a statement regarding the results of its campaign “Christmas Dinners, the Champions of Homemade […]
New call by the Generalitat of Catalonia for aid to producers to compensate for the loss of income due to Covid-19
Royal Decree 463/2020, of March 14, declared a state of alarm in Spain due to the health crisis caused […]
Lamb consumption decreases in Spain in 2020, according to the MAP
According to data from the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, in the period between July 2019 and June 2020, […]
Ovino y caprino exportaron un 40% más en 2020 que en 2019
En 2020 España exportó 2.011.355 toneladas de carne y preparados cárnicos a países terceros, con un crecimiento interanual del 53 % con respecto al año anterior según […]
EU outlook for the meat sector until 2030
The European Union has published the report ‘EU Agricultural Outlook for markets, income and environment 2020-2030′ in which it carries […]
Certificat Animal Welfare INTEROVIC Spain – AWI en els productes ovins i cabrum
As of 2021, consumers will be able to find the Animal Welfare INTEROVIC Spain – AWI certificate in sheep and […]