Meat as a solution to anemia: Why is anemia so common in our society today?
According to the World Health Organization, in the world there are more than 4,000 million people with iron deficiency. Of […]
May 28. International Hamburger Day. Provacuno presents the campaign “Bú”
PROVACUNO, joins the celebration of World Hamburger Day with the presentation of a new and fun campaign in which it […]
Anafric participates again in the conversations to design the Code of Conduct for commercial and marketing practices
The meetings have taken place on April 20, May 7 and the next one will be on May 28. The […]
German consumers want a quality seal on their meat
Product quality and certification seals are increasingly important when buying food. This has been demonstrated in the report “Germany shows […]
Diálogos de Sistemas Alimentarios de la ONU: ¿Cómo cubrir hasta 2050 el crecimiento de la población mundial hasta 10.000 millones de personas si eliminamos la ganadería?
Javier Sierra y Juan Prieto han sido los ponentes de alto nivel que han intervenido en la sesión plenaria del […]
¿Qué es la selección genética de los animales y por qué es importante?
La selección genética nos permite dirigir la “expresión fenotípica” de los animales en una dirección determinada, a razón de cómo […]
Meat-livestock production guarantees the environmental, social and economic sustainability of the world food system
Meat-livestock production is a fundamental and irreplaceable pillar of the global set of the world food system, and essential to […]
Eco-Score Vs Nutri-Score, según Rabobank
Rabobank advierte de los cambios que el etiquetado Eco-Score va a exigir a la industria alimentaria. Así lo ha publicado […]
Anafric expands its board of directors with the aim of increasing the defense of the livestock – meat sector
Anafric expands its board of directors to 14 members, under the presidency of Jose Friguls, who recently has been ratified […]
Spain, main exporter of pork meat to China
The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food has highlighted that Spain has become the world’s leading supplier of pork for […]
The term of the PAC has been extended until May 31
The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPA) has published in the BOE the order that extends, until next May […]
The pig sector employs more than 427,000 people in Spain
The pig sector contributes to generating or maintaining 2.3% of jobs in Spain, according to a report by International Financial […]
Does the Farm to Fork strategy offer more opportunities or obstacles for the European agri-food system?
The live stream meeting, “Food and Farming: what future for Europe?” was held yesterday afternoon. This deep-dive into the Farm […]
The Association of Slaughterhouses of Castilla y León, Amcyl, is constituted
The Slaughterhouse Association of Castilla y León, Amcyl, is chaired by Javier Roldán and the objective of this business organization […]
New project to increase the shelf life of lamb meat by the FRILAMB Operational Group
The objective of this Operational Group is to develop an innovative technological process called “Supercooling” to significantly increase the shelf […]
Global beef consumption will increase in 2021
World consumption of beef will exceed 60.04 million tons, according to a report from the United States Department of Agriculture. […]
AETRIN: “El sector de la tripa natural está sufriendo. Es un cambio sustancial dirigido a la especialización y profesionalización del sector que es por lo que apuesta nuestra asociación”
AETRIN, Asociación Española de Tripa Natural, agrupa las compañías dedicadas a la importación y exportación tanto de tripas nacionales […]
José Friguls renews the presidency of Anafric for four more years
Anafric, a national meat association, has held its general assembly and has ratified José Friguls Joe as president of the […]
The FEMP expresses its support for the Ramader-Càrnica municipal network
The Secretary General of the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP), Carlos Daniel Casares Díaz, has addressed a letter […]
Household spending on meat and meat products grows 13% in 2020, the first year of the covid-19 pandemic. Sheep grew 8%
The consumption of fresh meat has grown by 12.9% and stood at 1.67 million tons, mainly made up of chicken […]