Aid to promote livestock farming and prevent forest fires in Galicia

Galicia will enable a new call for aid to promote extensive livestock farming in strategic areas, with the aim of […]
Water restrictions due to drought in Catalonia will be reviewed

Catalan political groups have agreed with farmers that they will review water restrictions due to the drought emergency in Catalonia […]
Interovic triumphs in Madrid Fusión with innovative proposals

INTEROVIC, the Interprofessional of lamb, suckling and goat meat, has participated for another year in what is considered the most […]
Financial sanctions of up to 60,000 euros for illegally entering farms and slaughterhouses in Catalonia

Natural and legal persons who illegally enter farms and slaughterhouses in Catalonia could face economic sanctions of up to 60,000 […]
Florida has initiated the process to prohibit the manufacture and sale of cultured proteins

The House of Representatives of the North American state of Florida has begun the processing of a bill by the […]
Sustainability, digitalization, profitability and generational change will mark the strategic lines of MAPA in the new legislature

Guarantee food security for all citizens; move towards a more sustainable, modernized and digitalized agri-food production system; and promoting the […]
Anafric asks for the support of institutions and media to defend the meat sector

Anafric, a Spanish meat association, has participated in the webinar “From the Dublin Declaration to the Madrid Manifesto”, organized by […]
MAPA finances the incorporation of artificial intelligence and robotics in the agri-food sector with 2.5 million euros

The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPA) has published the agreement signed with the University of Córdoba that will […]
Stopping meat exports to third countries during 2023, according to CEXGAN

In 2023, Spain exported 1,530,250 tons of meat and meat preparations to third countries, which represents a 14% reduction compared […]
The Spanish selection of butchers is looking for a new member

The Spanish Selection of Butchers opens a new process to select a new member to complete the team, currently made […]
Farmers interested in using the Xunta’s mobile slaughterhouse service may request it starting January 15

Farmers interested in using the service of the mobile slaughterhouse for sheep, goats and pigs launched by the Xunta will […]
Menorca allocates €1.7 million for two municipal slaughterhouses

The Menorca Island Council has approved the agreements to allocate 1.7 million euros to the two municipal slaughterhouses on the […]
Spain leads innovation projects in the agri-food sector in Europe thanks to the work of the operational groups

Spain is the country with the largest number of innovative projects financed by the European Union (EU), supported by the […]
Exports of meat products grew by 7.5% in the first ten months of 2023

Spain registered a positive balance of 11,151.2 million euros in agri-food trade between January and October 2023, which represents an […]
€10.2 M in aid for the agri-food and forestry sector in Catalonia

The Department of Climate Action, Food and Rural Agenda of the Generalitat of Catalonia makes available to the agri-food and […]
Extensible pig, sheep and cattle farmers highlight the importance of soil for future nutrition

Farmers and ranchers from all over Spain have met at a meeting organized by Editorial Agrícola and Redpac and have […]
The EC studies toughening the requirements for the transport of animals

The EU Commission wants to further tighten legal requirements for the transport of animals and implement greater animal welfare. This […]
The strike of slaughterhouse inspectors in Catalonia is called off before Christmas

The CCOO union has called off a strike at Appeal Agrifood Group, the current concessionaire of the support service for […]
La UNESCO declara la trashumancia, Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial de la Humanidad

España lideraba la candidatura internacional de la trashumancia, de la que ahora forman parte 10 países europeos, ya que existe […]
Curso de alimentación del ganado ovino y caprino, fomentado desde el Cabildo de Lanzarote

El Cabildo de Lanzarote ha puesto en marcha, a través de la Consejería de Agricultura, un curso de ‘Alimentación de ganado […]