Eurobarometer: 84% of Europeans consider that food imports to the EU must comply with animal welfare regulations
More than 26,000 respondents from all 27 EU Member States have responded to the annual Eurobarometer survey on animal welfare. […]
SELMA is created: the European Sustainable Livestock and Meat Association
European organizations in the livestock-meat sector, including PROVACUNO and INTEROVIC (Spain), INTERBEV (France), FEBEV (Belgium), EDOK (Greece), OI Intercarneitalia (Italy), […]
National Meeting of Rural Women November 7, Seville, organized by MAPA and CaixaBank
CaixaBank and the Ministerio de Agricultura Pesca y Alimentación (MAPA) have launched ‘Crecemos juntas- Rural Mentors Project’, a professional development […]
Artículo de la European Livestock Voice: “Tengamos un impuesto europeo sobre la carne. 4 razones para no dejarse engañar”
Anafric publica artículos de opinión de la European Livestock Voice. En el que reproducimos a continuación se enumeran 4 razones […]
Aussie Beef and Lamb. The Australian brand of red meat the United Kingdom will import from Australia
Australian red meat producers will increase export volumes to the UK with the launch of the Aussie Beef and Lamb […]
Non-polluting cold solutions for the food industry. New proposals from INGAL
INGAL Engineering & Consulting, the first engineering specialized in the agri-food industry in our country since its foundation more than […]
Artículo European Livestock Voice: Los beneficios de la vacunación en el bienestar animal
La vacunación no sólo favorece el bienestar animal, sino que también ayuda a reducir la necesidad de uso de antibióticos. La vacunación […]
El II Simposio Bienestar Animal Europeo destaca las certificaciones acreditadas ante los cambios normativos
La interprofesional española de carne de vacuno, PROVACUNO, y las interprofesionales de carne de ovino y caprino de Hungría, JTT, […]
Empowering women and promoting their inclusion in the meat industry: Meat Business Women
‘The Power of You’ is a Meat Business Women campaign that will tell the inspiring stories of women working in […]
September 28. European Livestock Voice Webinar: the future of livestock farming
On September 28, the European Livestock Voice network organizes a webinar entitled: The future of livestock farming in the EU […]
Agriculture will pay direct subsidies for livestock farming starting in October
The advance will be 70% of the total aid and includes basic income aid, redistributive payment, supplements for young people […]
First European edition of the NetWorKing eXpeRienCe and General Assembly of the UECBV in Barcelona
Anafric organizes and hosts the annual assembly of the UECBV, the European Union of Beef Traders, which will take place […]
Entrada en vigor del sistema de videovigilancia para ayudar al control de bienestar animal: En qué situación estamos
En España hay alrededor de 640 mataderos que están obligados a tener un sistema de videovigilancia para ayudar al control […]
Australians consider the meat industry vital to the country’s economy
Australians have a positive perception of the meat industry, according to the latest research on consumer confidence from Meat & […]
II Simposio de Bienestar Animal Europeo, una cita imprescindible antes de la nueva legislación europea de Bienestar Animal
PROVACUNO, y las interprofesionales de carne de ovino en Hungría, JTT, y en España, INTEROVIC, organizan el próximo 20 de […]
Anafric entra a formar parte de CONPYMES para defender los intereses de las pymes del sector cárnico
Anafric, asociación nacional cárnica, se ha unido a la patronal de pymes y autónomos, CONPYMES, para lograr el objetivo de conseguir […]
MeatXperience, the fair for meat professionals, is presented
MeatXperience is presented as the specialized event geared towards the needs of companies and professionals in the meat retail trade […]
Los efectos de la inflación en las decisiones de compra de alimentos sostenibles, según el Basque Food Cluster
La subida de los precios de la alimentación está llevando a las personas a minimizar la importancia que otorgan a […]
Artículo de Realidad Ganadera: La “vaca expiatoria”: ¿Por qué la ganadería tiene que pagar por la contaminación provocada por otras industrias?
Siempre es fácil culpar a las vacas por el cambio climático y comparar la ganadería con algunas de las industrias […]
Spain exported 16% less meat outside the EU until June 2023, according to CEXGAN
Between January and June 2023, Spain exported 771,556 t of meat outside the EU, which meant a reduction of 16% […]