Los efectos de la inflación en las decisiones de compra de alimentos sostenibles, según el Basque Food Cluster
La subida de los precios de la alimentación está llevando a las personas a minimizar la importancia que otorgan a […]
Mercabarna requests a reduction in VAT on meat
The Mercabarna Association of Fresh Food Wholesale Entrepreneurs (ASSOCOME) has called for VAT on fresh meat and fish to be […]
The Spanish meat industry is recognized for its excellence and food safety
The meat industry has joined the celebration of the World Food Safety Day, on June 7, highlighting the important role […]
Europe loses 5.3 million farms in 15 years
The Statistical Office of the European Union (Eurostat) reported in a recent publication that the number of agricultural holdings in […]
Meat production in Spain falls by 4.2% during the first quarter of the year, according to the MAPA
Meat production in Spain fell by 4.2% during the first quarter of the year. The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and […]
INGAL Engineering entrusts its image and communication to Impacta Group
INGAL Ingeniería, a renowned comprehensive engineering services firm in the field of the agri-food industry and member of Anafric, has […]
Spanish meat exports drop 4% in quantity but grow 22% in value
The data referring to Spanish meat exports offered by ICEX-Estacom shows how, despite the reduction in the amount of meat […]
The VAT reduction on meat and fish would lead to a saving of €22 in the shopping basket
Large Spanish retailers have ruled on VAT on meat and fish, and they calculate that a 0% discount on these […]
Marruecos también elimina el IVA de ciertos productos
Ejecutivo marroquí se ha comprometido a eliminar el IVA de ciertos productos agrícolas para frenar la inflación. El decreto aprobado […]
Anafric asks the Government for “common sense” to reduce VAT on meat products
The meat business association, Anafric, once again asks the Government for a demonstration of ‘common sense’ to lower VAT on […]
Italy bans consumption of insects and food created in laboratories
The new Italian executive led by Giorgia Meloni has declared war on foods “contrary to Italian agri-food traditions” The Ministry […]
Asturias destina 4 millones al sector ganadero para compensar el alza de los precios del cereal por la invasión a Ucrania
El Consejo de Gobierno de Asturias ha autorizado un gasto de cuatro millones para la convocatoria de una ayuda, temporal […]
650.000 ganaderos y agricultores se beneficiarán de los cerca de 5.000 millones de ayudas directas de la PAC
El plazo de presentación de solicitudes para la PAC (Política Agraria Común) ha comenzado el 1 de marzo y finalizará […]
Published the Royal Decree to improve the animal welfare of animals on farms
The Boletín Oficial del Estado has published a royal decree, recently approved by the Council of Ministers, which compiles various […]
PROVACUNO promotes Beef Place in Meat Attraction to boost beef exports
PROVACUNO, the Beef Interprofessional, has presented the Beef Place at Meat Attraction, a space where all beef companies will be […]
The Butcher’s Shop returns to Meat Attraction: Check out all the activities!
Start the count down! There is very little left for a new meeting at Meat Attraction, which once again returns […]
La Declaración de Dublín. El papel de la ganadería en la sociedad con criterios científicos
Los sistemas ganaderos deben avanzar apoyándose en criterios científicos de la más alta calidad. Estos sistemas deben continuar siendo parte […]
Special Anafric at Meat Attraction: Sucarn launches its 5Gama
Anafric / Meat Attraction Since the first edition, Anafric has participated in Meat Attraction with a joint stand, together with […]
La inflación ‘se come’ a la carne
El año 2022 quedará registrado como el año en el que la inflación se desbocó. El año en el que […]
Municipal markets gain purchase share, but the supermarket continues to be the center of consumption
According to the latest survey on consumer habits prepared by the Consumer Association Participation Table (MPAC), municipal markets are gaining […]