The Canarian Government has invested 6 million euros in the livestock sector and will invest 4 in 2023

The Cabildo de Tenerife has invested more than 6 million euros in the promotion of livestock in the last two […]
Joint promotion of extensive livestock farming and pastoralism

Huesca, Navarra and Lleida launch a joint strategy to develop initiatives around extensive livestock farming and pastoralism, so that it […]
Meat exports to third countries down to September by 19%

The latest report published by CEXGAN does not offer good news regarding meat exports in the month of September. In […]
Proyecto ‘Life Green Sheep’: reducción de la huella de carbono de la ganadería ovina

En la lucha contra el cambio climático, los discursos y las acciones silenciosas producen efectos. El proyecto LIFE Green Sheep ciertamente entra en […]
The EFSA wants to approach the citizen by disseminating the quality and safety standards of the European Union

How much science is behind the evaluation of risks related to food safety, from farm to table? Is it safe […]
Vuelve Pastoreo, el pop up que acerca el campo a la ciudad en clave cultural

Madrid acoge del 3 al 11 de diciembre la segunda edición de Pastoreo, un pop up efímero, abierto al público […]
Provacuno, Interovic and JTT, together make history by organizing the I European Animal Welfare Symposium

More than 200 scientists, technicians, producers, certifiers and farmers attended the event organized by the Interovic, Provacuno and JTT interprofessionals, with […]
The Pastoreo School of Aragon claims the realization of a National Network of Pastoral Schools

The Aragón Shepherding School has claimed the role of extensive livestock farming as a “progress tool and land management” in […]
The Protected Geographical Indication “Cabrito de Extremadura” is presented in Mérida

The new I.G.P. Cabrito de Extremadura at the Higher School of Hospitality and Agrotourism of Extremadura. The event was attended […]
The sheep and goat industry and production in Spain is in a “limit situation”

Anafric has organized a Sectoral Meeting with companies from the sheep and goat sector where the “worrying” situation that the […]
Until November 26. New line of aid for innovative livestock projects in the Community of Madrid

The Community of Madrid has opened the call to apply for Innobonos, a new line of aid for research, development […]
Day of Pastoral Schools. Building a sustainable livestock: the role of the Pastoral Schools

The next day, November 3 and 4, the Pastor Schools day will be organized. Building a sustainable livestock: the role […]
Barcelona creates priority areas for livestock and agriculture

The Metropolitan Area of Barcelona (AMB) has created PEPNat, the special management plan for the natural environment and landscape of […]
6 million for farms in the Navarra livestock sector

Navarra will grant 6 million euros as exceptional temporary aid to farms in the livestock sector particularly affected by the […]
Aragón announces a new aid line of 33 million euros to promote the transformation of the agri-food industry

The call for grants called by the Government of Aragon has been published in the Official Gazette of Aragon. This […]
The Transhumance Festival returns to the streets of Madrid

The Transhumance Festival has once again filled the streets of Madrid with shepherds, sheep and goats, a traditional event that […]
Anafric joins the International Day against Climate Change

Anafric joins the International Day Against Climate Change initiative. Every October 24, this initiative, established by the UN, is commemorated […]
Artículo de opinión de Anafric en Realidad Ganadero: Vendo piso, ya no tengo corderos

Qué pasaría si en la clásica sección de inmobiliarias de los diarios nos encontráramos este anuncio: “Vendo piso. En espacio […]
Vegetable protein meat loses steam

Vegetable protein meat loses steam. This is how La Vanguardia explains it in an article that we echo. According to […]
The Senate urges the Government to promote lamb meat

The Upper House has presented a motion, at the initiative of the Socialist Group, to urge the Government to support […]