First European edition of the NetWorKing eXpeRienCe and General Assembly of the UECBV in Barcelona

Anafric organizes and hosts the annual assembly of the UECBV, the European Union of Beef Traders, which will take place […]
Entrada en vigor del sistema de videovigilancia para ayudar al control de bienestar animal: En qué situación estamos

En España hay alrededor de 640 mataderos que están obligados a tener un sistema de videovigilancia para ayudar al control […]
Australians consider the meat industry vital to the country’s economy

Australians have a positive perception of the meat industry, according to the latest research on consumer confidence from Meat & […]
II Simposio de Bienestar Animal Europeo, una cita imprescindible antes de la nueva legislación europea de Bienestar Animal

PROVACUNO, y las interprofesionales de carne de ovino en Hungría, JTT, y en España, INTEROVIC, organizan el próximo 20 de […]
Anafric entra a formar parte de CONPYMES para defender los intereses de las pymes del sector cárnico

Anafric, asociación nacional cárnica, se ha unido a la patronal de pymes y autónomos, CONPYMES, para lograr el objetivo de conseguir […]
MeatXperience, the fair for meat professionals, is presented

MeatXperience is presented as the specialized event geared towards the needs of companies and professionals in the meat retail trade […]
Los efectos de la inflación en las decisiones de compra de alimentos sostenibles, según el Basque Food Cluster

La subida de los precios de la alimentación está llevando a las personas a minimizar la importancia que otorgan a […]
Artículo de Realidad Ganadera: La “vaca expiatoria”: ¿Por qué la ganadería tiene que pagar por la contaminación provocada por otras industrias?

Siempre es fácil culpar a las vacas por el cambio climático y comparar la ganadería con algunas de las industrias […]
Spain exported 16% less meat outside the EU until June 2023, according to CEXGAN

Between January and June 2023, Spain exported 771,556 t of meat outside the EU, which meant a reduction of 16% […]
The Generalitat de Catalunya creates a new culinary lamb prototype to increase its added value

Within the framework of the Food Strategy of Catalonia, and in collaboration with the Fundació Alícia, the Department of Climate […]
The Basque Country continues to train sheep and goat herders to guarantee generational change

Interesting article published in Eurocarne that we echo. Artzain Eskola is a center in the Basque Country that offers training […]
Spanish Presidency of the EU: what happens with the primary sector

The Spanish Government has among its priorities for the next semester to promote the strategic autonomy of the primary sector, […]
The conflict in the Port of Tarragona could endanger the supply for animals

Various associations of the agri-food sector, including ASFAC (Catalan Association of Composite Feed Manufacturers), CESFAC (Spanish Confederation of Composite Feed […]
Feed production falls 5% due to the decline in pigs

The industrial production of compound feed for animals fell by 4.8% in Spain last year compared to 2021, with 27.07 […]
Mercabarna requests a reduction in VAT on meat

The Mercabarna Association of Fresh Food Wholesale Entrepreneurs (ASSOCOME) has called for VAT on fresh meat and fish to be […]
The Spanish meat industry is recognized for its excellence and food safety

The meat industry has joined the celebration of the World Food Safety Day, on June 7, highlighting the important role […]
Barbecue and grilled lamb. Celebrate San Juan with the new cuts to celebrate the Day of the Lamb, next June 23

The celebration of the day of the lamb on June 23, or San Juan, if you prefer, is the perfect […]
Activated the temperature control plan for live animal road trips for the entire summer

The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPA) and the autonomous communities as a whole have activated until September 15, […]
Europe loses 5.3 million farms in 15 years

The Statistical Office of the European Union (Eurostat) reported in a recent publication that the number of agricultural holdings in […]
Madrid supports the protection of quality agricultural products with two new seals

The Community of Madrid supports the protection of quality agricultural products proposed by the European Parliament (EP) with two new […]